Larsson Quantum Lab
Larsson Quantum Lab
Featured Publications
Henrik R. Larsson
2500 vibronic eigenstates of the NO3 radical
A Tensor Network View of Multilayer Multiconfiguration Time-Dependent Hartree Methods
Block2: A Comprehensive Open Source Framework to Develop and Apply State-of-the-Art DMRG Algorithms in Electronic Structure and Beyond
State-resolved infrared spectrum of the protonated water dimer: Revisiting the characteristic proton transfer doublet peak
The chromium dimer: closing a chapter of quantum chemistry
Matrix product states with large sites
Control of concerted back-to-back double ionization dynamics in helium
Minimal matrix product states and generalizations of mean-field and geminal wavefunctions
Computing vibrational eigenstates with tree tensor network states (TTNS) [Editor's Pick]
Phase Space vs. Coordinate Space Methods: Prognosis for Large Quantum Calculations
Resonance dynamics of DCO (X̃ ²A′) simulated with the dynamically pruned discrete variable representation (DP-DVR)
Self-probing spectroscopy of XUV photo-ionization dynamics in atoms subjected to a strong-field environment
Dynamical pruning of the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree (DP-MCTDH) method: An efficient approach for multidimensional quantum dynamics
Efficient Approaches to Multidimensional Quantum Dynamics
Efficient molecular quantum dynamics in coordinate and phase space using pruned bases
Correlation effects in strong-field ionization of heteronuclear diatomic molecules
Quantum Dynamics in Phase Space using Projected von Neumann Bases
The time-dependent generalized active space configuration interaction approach to correlated ionization dynamics of diatomic molecules
Laser-Induced Correlated Electron Dynamics in Small Molecules
Global optimization of parameters in the reactive force field ReaxFF for SiOH
Fitting reactive force fields using genetic algorithms
Globale Parameteroptimierung des reaktiven Kraftfeldes ReaxFF mit Hilfe von evolutionären Algorithmen